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Rules & Policies
Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wetsuit without penalty up to and including a water temperature of 83 degrees Fahrenheit. Age group participants shall not wear wet suits in water temperatures greater than 83 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wearing swim goggles is recommended, but optional
No fins, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind allowed
Timing Chips must be properly affixed on your left ankle.
No individual paddlers or escorts allowed. Course will be adequately patrolled by kayaks and patrol boats.
Please do not apply sunscreen or Vaseline to areas bearing your race number prior to numbering. Numbers must remain on during the swim.
Swimmers are required to stay on course and swim according to the course map. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
If you require assistance in the swim you are able to hold on to any kayak as long as you do not make forward progression. If you are unable to finish the swim or need immediate assistance please remove your swim cap and wave it in the air until a boat or lifeguard is by your side.
Each Swimmer must wear the colored swim cap provided by the Director.
A triathlon is an individual event and you must take personal responsibility to understand the rules and avoid penalties. Bikes shall stay to the right side of the road. When passing, alert other cyclists that you are passing and always pass on the left. Call out “on your left” prior to passing. Roads will be open to traffic, so be aware of your surroundings, and potential vehicle traffic coming behind you.
Basic rules to remember
Ride on the right side of your lane.
Keep three bike lengths between yourself and the cyclist in front of you.
Pass on the left of the cyclist in front, never on the right.
Complete your pass within 15 seconds.
If passed, you must drop completely out of the zone, to the rear, before attempting to re-pass.
Make sure your helmet is a CPSC approved model. All helmets legally sold in the US are CPSC approved but if you purchased your helmet in a different country it might be illegal for use in sanctioned events. While on your bike, always have your chinstrap securely fastened – before, during and after the event! The chin strap rule is easy to follow, so don’t forget – that’s a DQ! Don’t leave your trash on the course, and don’t carry or use any portable audio devices. Remember to treat other athletes, volunteers, and officials with courtesy and consideration. Failure to do so is called Unsportsmanlike Conduct, and it's just mean. Be a jerk and you will probably be DQ'd.
All athletes are required to wear race numbers at all times during the run:
Numbers clearly visible at all times.
Numbers may not be cut or folded or altered in any way.
Numbers designated to other other athletes make not be used
Additional Penalties:
Athletes found cutting or altering the course or otherwise cheating will be disqualified.
Athletes found to be a jerk to other athletes, staff, or especially volunteers will also be disqualified.
Transition is for Athletes Only
All spectators must remain outside of the transition area for their safety and the safety of all the athletes and their equipment. Spectators may help bring items to transition but may not enter to help setup. Gear leaving transition must be matched to the athlete so no spectators will be allowed to remove equipment from the transition area either.
Entering and Exiting
A participant must reduce cycling speed to an acceptable and safe level when exiting and entering the transition area. Failure to do so shall result in a variable time penalty.
Placement of Equipment
All participants shall place equipment only in the properly designated and individually assigned bicycle corral and shall at all time keep their equipment confined to such properly designated areas. Any violation of this Section shall result in a variable time penalty.
Bicycle Placement
All participants must return their bicycles to an upright position in the properly designated bicycle corral after completion of the cycling course and before beginning the next segment of the event. Any violation of this Section shall result in a variable time penalty.
Finish Line
Be considerate of others, as the finish line can become crowded with these additional people.
Continue to move forward after you cross the finish line, allowing others to finish.
Remove timing chip.
Medical Support on hand if needed.
Enjoy post race refreshments and Awards Ceremony.
Wait until transition opens before removing your gear.
1. Helmets: Only helmets approved by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) may be used. Helmets must be worn at all times while on your bike. This means before, during, and after the event.
Penalty: Disqualification
2. Chin Straps: Chin straps must be buckled at all times when on a bicycle. DO NOT unbuckle your chin strap unless you are off your bicycle.
Penalty: You may be stopped until you fasten your chin strap
3. Outside Assistance: No assistance other than that offered by race and medical officials may be used. Triathlons and duathlons are individual tests of fitness.
4. Transition Area: All equipment must be placed in the properly designated and individually assigned bike corral. The wheel of the bicycle must be down on the side of the assigned space. All participants must return their bicycles to an upright position in their designated bicycle corral. No person shall interfere with another participant’s equipment or impede the progress of another participant. All bar ends must be solidly plugged. No participant shall bring ANY glass containers into the transition area.
Penalty: Mess with someone else's gear and you will be DQ'd
5. Drafting: Drafting–keep at least three bike lengths of clear space between you and the cyclist in front. If you move into the zone, you must pass within 15 seconds. Position–keep to the right hand side of the lane of travel unless passing. Blocking–riding on the left side of the lane without passing anyone and interfering with other cyclists attempting to pass. Overtaken–once passed, you must immediately exit the draft zone from the rear, before attempting to pass again.
Penalty: Loss of respect from other athletes.
6. Course: All competitors are required to follow the prescribed course and to stay within all coned lanes. Cutting the course is an obvious violation and going outside the course is a safety issue. Cyclists shall not cross a solid yellow center line for ANY reason. Cyclists must obey all applicable traffic laws at all times.
Penalty: Course cutting will result in disqualification
7. Unsportsmanlike-Like Conduct: Foul, harsh, argumentative or abusive language or other unsportsmanlike conduct directed at race officials, volunteers, spectators or fellow athletes is forbidden.
Penalty: Disqualification (Just be kind)
8. Headphones: Headphones, headsets, walkmans, iPods, mp3 players, or personal audio devices, etc. are not to be carried or worn at any time during the race.
Penalty: You may not exit bike transition until you remove earphones
9. Race numbers: All athletes are required to wear race numbers at all times during the run. Numbers must face the front and be clearly visible at all times. Numbers may not be cut or folded or altered in any way. DO NOT transfer your number to any other athlete or take a number from an athlete that is not competing.
Penalty: We might not be able to get your finish time and you won't get a very good finisher photo
10. Wetsuits: Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wetsuit without penalty up to and including a water temperature of 83 degrees Fahrenheit. Above 83 degrees, wetsuits are prohibited.
11. Abandonment: All personal equipment and belongings taken out onto the course must stay on the athlete the entire time. No garbage, clothing, etc. shall be thrown on the course.
Penalty: If you litter, you have to volunteer to pick up other's trash next year!
Sprint Distance Penalties
First Offense: 2 Minutes
Second Offense: 4 Minutes
Third Offense: Disqualification
Olympic Distance Penalties
First Offense: 2 Minutes
Second Offense: 4 Minutes
Third Offense: Disqualification
ards will be given for Duathlon or Aquabike
Weather Cancellation Policy?
Weather is unpredictable. We will make every effort to start and continue our event on race day at the scheduled time. The decision to delay or cancel an event is made in conjunction with the Race Directors, Sheriff, Medical Staff and local meteorologists.
Typically if rain only is present, we will attempt to start the event on time or possibly delay until visibility is determined at a safe level. Lightning is a potentially dangerous inclement weather condition. In the event of lightning, guidelines by the NCAA and NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) will be followed. The NCAA and NSSL strongly recommend terminating activity when the lightening is visible. If unsafe to begin or continue any event when lightning is present. Thus, if lightning is visible the first step will be to delay the start of the event for 1 hour. If lightening is still present after 1 hour, we will delay for an additional hour and potentially reduce the longer distance events. Depending on the weather forecast, the event will be cancelled as early after the 1 hour delay. If lightning strikes during the event, the event will be immediately cancelled with no delays.
If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, no refunds or deferrals on entry fees will be given. All prize money and unused food will be donated to charity. Delays and cancellations will be announced over the PA, posted on our Facebook page. All race staff will be notified immediately to communicate with their volunteers. If the event is cancelled mid-day, vehicles will be dispatched to pick up athletes at aid stations and on the course and/or asked to seek nearby shelter.
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